Differentiate between clayey soil loamy soil

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clays are derived from the minerals in rocks by chemical decomposition. They are the end product of weathering . There are different families of clays depending on chemical composition and crystal structure and there are various clays in each family. Soils are mixtures of rocks, minerals, and clays. Like clays, soils are grouped but by texture and mineral composition rather than by chemistory and crystallography. Given enough time a soil may break down to one or more clays but a pure clay will never break down to soil.

This was a very loose description of the differences. If you need more specific information you should be able to find it using one of the internet search engines

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Clayey Soil: Particles of clayey soil are very small in size. This makes the particles of clayey soil packed tightly. There is very little space among the particles. Water does not drain quickly through clayey soil because of less space among particles. So, clayey soil is not well aerated and retains more water.

Clayey soil is used in making of toys. Clayey soil is good for growing paddy.

Loamy Soil: Particles of loamy soil are smaller than sand and larger than clay. Loamy soil is the mixture of sandy soil, clayey soil and silt. Silt is the deposit in river beds.

Loamy soil has right water holding capacity and is well aerated. This is considered as the best soil for the growth of plants.

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