Differentiate the organelles present in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Dear student,

Difference in the organelles present in prokaryotes and eukaryotes  are listed below:
Organelles Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
1. Nucleus
  • Well defined nucleus is absent.
  • Well defined membrane bound nucleus are present
2. Flagella
  • Submicroscopic in size and contains single fibre.
  • Microscopic in size and contains multipe fibres.
3. Chloroplast
  • Chloroplast is absent but chlorophyll pigments are scattered in the cytoplasm.
  • They are only found in plant cell and contain chlorophyll pigment.
4. Cell wall
  • Cell wall are chemically complexed.
  • Cell wall found only in plant cell and fungi and are chemically simpler in nature.
5. Nuclear Membrane
  • Absent
  • There nuclear membrane is selectively permeable in nature.
6. Ribosomes
  • Smaller in size.
  • Larger in size.

Hope this will clear your doubts about topic.


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In eukaryotes genetic material is not present directly it is surrounded by nuclear membrane . In prokaryotics genetic material is present directly . Eukaryotes are multicellular but prokaryotes are single celled.
Hope this will help
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