Differentiate with the help of diagrams only between morula and blastocyst of a human.

Dear student

Please refer the solution below for the said query

Both morula and blastocyst are the stages observed during the cleavage of zygote in mammals.
Differences between the two are as follows:
Morula Blastocyst
Morula is  16-32 celled stage of early embryo formed from zygote undergoing cleavage, in about 3-4 days after fertilization. Blastula is the next stage of embryo after morula, consisting of more than 100 cells(blastomeres) , which start to form  after 5 days of fertilisation  with the formation of  a cavity within the  ball of cells in morula
Blastomeres in morula are organised into spherical mass  of undifferentiated cells, consisting of outer layer of smaller cells and inner larger cell mass.
Blastomeres in blastocyst are arranged into a differentiated outer layer called trophoblast and an inner group of cells arranged at one pole called the inner cell massalong with central cavity called blastocoel that contains nutritive fluid absorbed by trophoblast from uterine wall.  Inner Cell Mass (ICM) forms the germ layers of developing embryo in humans, while trophoblast give rise to placenta.
It is still surrounded by zona pellucida which  prevents its sticking to uterine wall. As, a blastocyst is formed, zona pellucida become thinner and finally disappears.
It reaches the uterus in about 4 days after fertilisation and and continues to divide and turns into blastocyst stage.
The blastocyst gets embedded into the thickened inner wall of the uterus through the process of implantation about six days after fertilisation , then this stage is followed by gastrula stage.


Hope this information clears your doubt about the topic.


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