diffrentiate b/w extracellular and intracellular digestion


Intracellular digestionExtra cellular digestion
As name suggest occurs within the cell.Occurs outside the cell, digestion takes place in alimentary canal.
Lysosomal enzymes participate in digestion within the cell vacuole.Various digestive enzymes are involved in this process such as pancreatic enzyme intestinal enzyme etc.
Digested product diffuses in cytoplasm through vacuolar membrane. Digested food material is absorbed in blood

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Intercellular Digestion:

1. Digestion occurs in the food vacuoles within cells.

2. Lysosomal enzymes are secreted into the food vacuole.

3. Products of digestion diffuse into cytoplasm through vacuolar membrane.

4. Ingestion occurs through pinocytic vesicle,e.g. protozoans, spongens and coeleneterates.

Extracellualr Digestion:

1. Digestion occurs outside of cells in the lumen of the alimentary canal.

2. Salivary, gastric pancreatic and intestinal enzymes are secreted into the digestive cavity.

3. Digested food materials are absorbed into blood through gut epithelia.

4. Ingestion occurs through mouth, e.g. coelentarates to chordates.

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Intracellular digestionis a digestion which takes place within thecytoplasmof the organism. Intracellular digestion occurs in many unicellular protozoans, inPycnogonida, in somemolluscs,CnidariaandPorifera

Extracellular digestionis a process in whichsaprobiontsfeed by secretingenzymesthrough thecell membraneonto the food. The enzymes catalyse the digestion of the food intomoleculessmall enough to be taken up by passive diffusion, transport orphagocytosis. These nutrients are transferred into the blood or other body fluids. Sincedigestionoccurs outside the cell, it is said to be extracellular. It takes place either in the lumen of the digestive system, in a gastric cavity or other digestive organ, or completely outside the body.

Extracellular digestion is a form of digestion found in allsaprobionticannelids, crustaceans, arthropods, lichens and chordates, including vertebrates.

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