Discuss the role of any two factors influencing population change. Short paragraph please.

Two imp. factors influencin population change are :-

natural growth rate-

birth and deaths are natural causes of these changes. when the birth rate is high and death rate is low population increase occurs in natural growth rate and vice-virsa.


it is another way by wich populatin size changes. if people move or migrate to a country or a place the population will increase and vice-virsa.

eg australia and usa have increased in population due to immigration and sudan has experienced less population in numbers due to emigration

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This is the shortest I could write, hope this helps.

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The factors affecting population change areBIRTH RATE : The number of live births per 1000 people.DEATH RATE :The number of deaths per 1000 people.
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Birth Rate-if the birth rate is to the higher side the number of population  will certainly increase,proportion of young population would be higher. 
If good child care facilities are available then in future working age population will be good.
Death Rate-due to Diffrent  regions like drought/flood/earthquake war,forced migration due terriorism (syria) etc. leads to death rate and it is negative effort on a country's population and development.
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