Discuss the treatments meted out to Delhi by British after 1857

Dear student,

Please find the answer to your query:

The following points will be helpful to you while framing your answer:
  • After the revolt of 1857, Bhadur Shah Jaffar was sent to Rangoon jail for rest of his life.
  • His sons were butchered on the gates of the Red Fort.
  • His successors were declared as mere Prince and they were thrown out of the Red fort.
  • Queen Elizabeth was declared as the Empress of India by the Queens's proclamation.
  • Indians were decalred as unfit to rule themselves. 
Hope these points will be helpful to you and if you have more doubts then please get back to us on our forum.


  • 7
  • 4
  • power was transferred from company to british parliament
  • queen victoria - empress of india
  • proportion of indian soldiers was reduced from the army
  • muslims were considered responsible for revolt
  • customs and religious sentiments were given respect
  • secretary of state was appointed and fifteen people assisted
  • 2
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