divisibility rule of 20

Dear student,

The number formed by last two digits in given number must be divisible by 20. Ex : a) 374680 is divisible by 20   as its last 2-digit i.e. 80 is divisible by 20. b) 54824 is not divisibility by 20 as its last 2-digit i.e. 24 is not divisibility by 20.


  • 2
Any even number greater than 20 with a zero can be divisible by 20.
  • -4
any even even number greater than 20 with a zero can be divisible by 20
  • -3
any even number greater than 20 ending with a zero can be divisible by 20
  • -2
if a number is divisible than 2 and 10 that number is divisible by 20 
eg: 40 it is divisible than 2 and 10 
  • 1
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