do roots of a plant continue growing after their tips are removed? membrane use

Yes... the roots of a plant will continue to grow even if their trips are removed because the roots contain meristematic tissue which can grow for life....

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No as the tip of the tissue is cut the meristmatic tissue will also be removed and thus the roots will stop growing
  • -1
No, the roots will not grow because tip of the plant contains apical meristem tissues which are responsible for the growth of plant vertically. So, if the tip of the root of the plant is cutted, then the plant roots will not grow again.
  • 6
Yes the roots of a plant continue to grow after their tips are removed .Because then the intercalary meristematic tissue will be responsible for growth ,though the apex tissue will be not there .
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Yes the roots of a plant continue to grow after their tips are removed .Because then the intercalary meristematic tissue will be responsible for growth ,though the apex tissue will be not there .
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