Do you think development and modernization are possible without human beings modifying the environment? Why/ Why not?

Dear Student, it is not possible to modify anything without the help of human. Humans have the brain, skills and knowledge to think a futuristic image of a particular part. With the help of hands, human being developed, modernized this environment. Regards

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No,because human beings are the one who has skills and knowledge to development or modify the environment.
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I think that development modernization is possible human beings modified environment because human beings are also provided by God and our environment such as trees and all natural things and animals are also provided by God and some by nature but we are disturbing the nature cycle and all the natural things. the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide are also distrub by us only because we cutting trees for our existence but we are thinking for the future .I hope this will help you I writing in my own wording.

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