Doctor: Do you feel down from time-to-time Mr. Gopalan?
Patient: Yes, I do not stay in a good mood.
The doctor, while trying to figure out his patient?s ailment, asked about his well-being,
to which, the patient affirmed_________

The answer in marking scheme is
The patient affirmed that he does not stay in a good mood.

Why didn't it changed into "the patient affirmed that he didn't stay in a good mood"
Pls tell expert

The tense of the sentence changes into past tense if the actions are temporary. And the actions/ the things that are permanent/ exist for a long time, do not change into past tense.
Example: Teacher: "The sun rises in the east."
- Teacher said that the sun rises in the east.
Similarly, the patient's condition/ ailment is something that happens/ has been happening for quite a long time. So, it did not change into past tense.

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