does the speaker seem happy about his decision ?

plz  give answer as soon as possible 

yes the poem seems extremely happy about his decision

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 ok thanx a lot for ur answer

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 no, the poet is not happy at all coz he is regretting that he cant choose both roads.....

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 thank u for your answer

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 thank you for your answer

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 yes.the poet was very happy with his decision.

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all are wrong answers

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no he was not happy about his decision because he told that with a "sigh"...

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No, the speaker is found to lament profoundly on his decision. The poetstrongly hints at dejected state with the negative title of the poem. We become clear of his view when we read the line And that has made allthe difference. He usesthe wordsigh to reflect his failure in making right decision. Besides I-I took the . shows his hesitation in sharing his failed decision. Throughout the poemthe poethas impliedly hinted that he regrets for his decision.

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speaker seems to be happy about his decision as the road which he chose was the right and made him very popular in his country.

When he lived in his country no body appreciated his stories and his poems after returning from England to his country he was accepted by all and he became very fame!!!!....

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No,the poet was not at all happy because has choosen the wrong road (he one which is less travelled by) he want to go by the other road as he can find a way to end his journey but he was unsuccessful in accompishing is goal so he is stuck in the wrong road.

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In the concluding stanza, the poet becomes philosophical as he talks about a future time when he looks back at the choice that he has made and its consequence. The poet does not seem to be very happy with his choice and prepares himself to face all outcomes that this decision might lead to. It reveals the poet likes adventures and ready to take risk in life. He has always been tempted to take the path not generally followed by others and this choice has made all the difference in his life.
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The speaker does'nt seems to b happy . wheather the choice is right or wrong can't be decided on this moment . Only after ages and ages he will realize the mistake that he made years ago . He will be telling with a sigh to others that it was not a wise decision . Two roads diverged in a wood and he took the one less travelled by . Two roads are fascinating metaphors for life . The choice has made all the difference in his life .
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