electronic configuration of x+2 and y+3 are: x+2= [Ar] 3d8 , y+3= [Ar]3d3. what are the atomic number of x0 and y0 resp.

A)28,24 B) 28,25 C)28,26 D)28,87

ans..C) 28,26...........how??

An ion shows an oxidation state of +2 when it loses two electrons. We are given that the electronic configuration of X2+ ion is [Ar]3d8. This means that the X contains two electrons more than X2+ ion, and so its electronic configuration will be [Ar]3d84s2. Thus, the number of electrons in X (or the atomic number of X) will be 

= 18 (Ar denotes argon, which has 18 electrons) + 2 + 8

= 28

Similarly, let us consider Y3+ ions. It will be formed when a Y atom loses three electrons. We are given that the electronic configuration of Y3+ ion is [Ar]3d3. This means that the Y contains three electrons more than Y3+ ion, and so its electronic configuration will be [Ar]3d54s1. Thus, the number of electrons in Y will be 

= 18 (Ar denotes argon, which has 18 electrons) + 1 + 5

= 24

So, the correct answer is (a) 28, 24 and not (c) 28, 26. 

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