Essay of 200 Words on topic Physical fitness .
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The Need for Physical Exercise

Physical Exercise is very important for proper health and fitness. Physical exercises are necessary for every citizen of the country.

The youths are choosing to eat junk foods.  It spoils the health of the youth people. They look old before time. Their poor health is a social problem. People without good health cannot enjoy life. We cannot have a strong nation if the citizens have no good health.

Man is superior to animals because he has a developed mind. He controls the animals with his intellect. But we cannot have mental growth if our body is weak and sickly. The death of body means the death of the mind also. ‘A sound mind is in a sound body’ is a popular saying. So, physical exercises are very necessary for mental health. A sickly man cannot sit well. He cannot do his work properly.

India earned her freedom after great sacrifices. We have to protect her freedom. We have to make our defenses strong. The citizens of our country must be physically fit and healthy. Only then they can defend the country’s freedom. Pandit Nehru once said, ‘every child of India shall have to be a soldier of freedom’.

The economy of our country depends upon agriculture. The agricultural production of our country is low. If our workers are physically strong and healthy, then it will help our country to increase the agricultural output. If fact, physical exercise are useful for them. These exercises will keep them fit and healthy. Then our production on farms and in factories will go up.

Physical exercises make us healthy. They make us good citizens. Life without good health is no life at all. If we spend an hour in taking physical exercises, we can work hard for the rest of the day. Thus physical exercises are of great use to us. They should be made compulsory for students, teachers and office-goers.

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The importance of Physical fitness cannot be emphasised enough. In today's society that is moving towards a more sedentary lifestyle, there is a greater need than ever to increase the daily activity level to maintain both cardiovascular fitness and body weight.

Benefits of Physical Fitness

Staying active means keeping your body functioning at a high level. Regular exercise will maintain the performance of your lungs and heart to most efficiently burn off excess calories and keep your weight under control. Exercise will also improve muscle strength, increase joint flexibility and improve endurance.

Another main benefit of physical activity is that it decreases the risk of heart disease. Additionally, it can decrease your risk of stroke, colon cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. Regular exercise has been long associated with a fewer visits to the doctor, hospitalisation and medication.

Exercising does not have to be something boring and dreaded. It can be something that you enjoy that helps to increase the overall happiness in your life, as well as relieve symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety. Try to find some activities that give you pleasure, or even a buddy to do them with so that exercise is a fun and enjoyable activity.

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What is physical fitness? says that physical fitness is a noun that means good physical condition; being in shape or in condition. What does being in good physical condition mean to the average person? It could mean that they have to run two or more miles, or go to the gym for three hours and working out and eating three well balanced meals everyday. Others might just consider themselves as being physically fit just the way they are now, even if they are a little overweight. It just depends on the person, because there is no such thing as the average person. Not all people are alike in the way of their thinking. Some people are happy the way they are and other people are very open to new physical changes no matter what work they will have to put into it.How would you go about get physically fit? You can get physically fit by doing several things. The main two thing are some form, almost any form of exercise and a balanced dieting plan. How do you find out what form of exercise and dieting are right for you? The easiest way to find out what is best for you is to consult your doctor and tell him or her what you are looking for in the ways of improving your body. Your doctor will tell you if what you are looking for is in your best interest. In some cases it might not be good for you to go on a diet or an exercise program. If your doctor tells you that it is alright, then you can get in touch with a fitness program or club. They will also help you decide what is right for you. It is well known that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. If a man is not physically fit and healthy, his mind cannot be sharp and active.Human body is very much like a machine. It needs to be maintained and looked after properly. Physical exercise is of immense help in maintaining good health and fitness.Physical exercise is widely recognized as the best way to keep the body healthy and active. Neglect of bodily health can be disastrous for us. It causes several physical and mental problems. Slowly our body becomes vulnerable to many diseases. His energy and beauty is lost early. He grows old early. Strength, stamina and power of concentration decline.Physical exercise is of different kind. Different people have different choices and preferences. Many people enjoy morning walk. Some find pleasure in cycling and jogging. Several people like to do gardening or swimming. Many people find it easier and convenient to spend an hour or two in doing work out in a well-equipped gym. Skipping is also a popular way to keep one’s body fit and healthy. These days’ yoga and meditation are also gaining popularity. They are easier to practice and highly effective in keeping one fit and healthy.Regularity in exercise is imperative for the preservation of good health. It is a good source of energy, stamina and strength. Consistency adds to the result of exercise. Lack of it cannot bring good result. So, we should be very regular and consistent in physical exercise.Physical exercise is a form of discipline. It means self- control and sincerity. We need to neglect our idleness. Physical exercise helps in character building. It makes our mind sharp and active. It improves mental strength and capability. It adds to our capability and improves our performance. Physical exercise done in morning keeps us healthy, fit and active for the whole day. Therefore we should take it regularly. It is a must to keep us fit and healthy
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