essay on the plans for village or locality, which if implemented would help everyone

In villages most important thing to be done is to build a school . Because in villages almost half of people are ignorant due to lack of knowledge ....Next is hospital because almost 10-12 villagers die due to incurable diseasesMaking good use of land where we can do mixed farming in which we can grow both plants and animals which are greatly beneficial
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plans if implemented can help for society are as follows:
1) we should take care that no trees are cut from our locality. 
2) security should be made strong.
3) poaching should be banned.
4) water should be conserved.
5)surrondings should be kept clean n hygiene and also green.
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the plants like development of roads , planting a tree , making new parks , cleaning a village/locality would help everyone
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  1. we want to  help to all to these like works thee are helpes to us
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