essey on life of soldier

a soldier is a pride of nation. he depends the honor of his motherland with his life and blood.he has rise above own self to defemd his nation. his profession brings out the best qualities in him with disipline team spirit loyalty and steadfastness  his example stands as a beacon loght to others who are tame and are cowadly
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The life of a soldier is based on discipline and sacrifice. The man remains far away from his home and family far most of the year. His salary is not high. In any war he has to make the greatest sacrifices. Seldom has he time to pay personal attention to the growth and education of his children. His wife, father and mother see him only during the holidays.

When the war breaks out, everybody is called up to do his duty to the nation; as Nelson said about his country, “England excepts every Englishmen to do his duty”. This is true of all countries. It was Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri who coined the slogan, “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan” during the war with Pakistan in 1965.

The discipline in the life of a soldier is most remarkable and most admirable. What we lack in most in India today is the want to discipline. We admire the soldier for his quality of discipline. Our students have become indulging in all kinds of violence, and they can be made to learn some discipline by bringing in armymen to manage schools and colleges. It look’s we are going that way in the near future.

A soldier is the watch dog of the nation and is ever ready to perform any duty with which he may entrusted, even at the cost of his life. His life is very hard and he obeys any order that may be given to him. Lord Tennyson has summed the life of a soldier in his most memorable and immortal poem, “The Charge of the Light Brigade”:-

Theirs’ not make reply.

Theirs’ not to reason why.

Theirs’ but to do and die.

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The first quality: love for the country - another great quality: courage - obedience - must have intellectual interests - conclusion.

The first quality that distinguishes an ideal soldier is his love for his country. He is not one who has joined the army as a means of livelihood but one whose heart overflows with patriotic spirit. A good soldier is not a mere brute but a cultured man fired with the highest love for his motherland. His love is so intense that he is prepared to offer his life gladly for the sake of his country. Can there be a more glorious and noble sacrifice than this?

Another great quality of' an ideal soldier is his courage. A soldier is no soldier if he is not courageous. He is courageous by temperament and his training as a soldier and experience strengthen that quality in him. There are some men who, like Nelson, knew no fear but most of the soldiers learn to overcome fear by discipline. What helps him again to face danger or death courageously is the tradition of the regiment and of the army in general. A good soldier has mental courage, bravery of his mind and also physical courage. He is fearless. In fact he has also conquered the fear of death. He knows that the command of his superior must be obeyed without any hesitation. His very training and discipline has taught him that. As Tennyson in his poem" - The Charge of the Light Brigade" put it.

There's not to question why theirs but to do and die.

Such an example of heroic obedience is the ideal for every good soldier.

Lastly, in modern times, an ideal soldier must not be merely physically tough and rough but must have intellectual interests. He is not a mere machine to obey orders, but also a man who obeys with understanding - one who knows why he has to obey.

The life of a soldier is a noble life. He has the opportunity of making the highest kind of sacrifice - that of laying down his life for his country. One who does this is a true and loyal son of the Motherland.

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