evaluate the achievement and limitation of new agriculture strategy

Dear student,
Achievements and limitations of new agriculture strategy are as follows:
1.It leads to increase in production and productivity as per hectare productivity of all crops increased due to better quality of seeds.
2.Leads to development of many industries such as industries producing machinery, pesticides, threshers, tractors, diesel     engines etc.
3.scientific cultivation instead of traditional practices as farmers are using HYV seeds instead of  farm seeds.
4.It leads to positive attitude of farmers as farmers have begun to think that they can change their misfortune.

1.Increase in income disparity between small and large farmers as adoption of these strategies needs a heavy amount of                    investment which is difficult for small farmers.
2.Regional inequality as benefits remained concentrated in some areas such as Punjab, Haryana and some parts of western Uttar     Pradesh.
3.New technology leads to less labour absorption as new strategies involves various types of machineries which eliminates the     need of labour in some areas.
4.It also leads to some health hazards as increased use of mechanisation carries the risk of incapacitation due to accidents.


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