Experts please check if it's correct

Dear student,
Please find below the answer:

Autosomal recessive disorders are those types of Mendelian disorders which are caused due to the inheritance of mutated recessive genes which carry the alleles (recessive) for the disorder. In case of autosomal recessive, unaffected parents can have affected offspring. Parents are carriers (heterozygous) of the disorder to produce affected offspring. Autosomal recessive disorders are typically not seen in every generation of an affected family. 

Three steps to identify the type of Mendeian disorder:
  • If most of the males in a pedigree chart are affected by the trait, then it is assumed that the trait is sex linked.
  • If the ratio of presence of the trait in male and female in a pedigree chart is 1:1, then the trait is said to be autosomal.
  • If any one of the parents is showing the trait, it means the trait is dominant. But if none of the parents is showing the trait but present in children means the trait is recessive and the parents are carrying it.  
So, your pedigree seems to be correct.

Hope this clears your doubt.

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