Experts what is self regulatory mechanism w.r.t ecosystem

Dear Student, An ecosystem may be defined as the system formed due to the interaction existing between various living (biotic components) and non living component (biotic components). It consists of dynamic interactions between plants, animals, microorganisms and various resources present in the surrounding environment. An ecosystem consists of food chains or food webs which further consists of producers which makes their own food, primary, secondary and tertiary consumers which consumes other organisms to meet their energy requirement while the reducers and decomposers helps to return the inorganic particles and energy back into the environment, thus maintaining a balance between the biotic and the abiotic components of the atmosphere. Ecosystem may prevail only if there exists a balance between all the existing species and resources. Its imbalance may cause the ecosystem to diminish. There exist continue flow of energy from one trophic level to another and then is returned back to the atmosphere. Also elements such as carbon, nitrogen and water which are required by plants and animals in an ecosystem are cycled continuously between the abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem thus making it a self regulatory structure as it does not requires any other component apart from its own components for its regulation. As an ecosystem does not require any other components other than its own to work in a balanced and a systematic manner, it can be called a self regulatory and a dynamic structure. Regards

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