Explain -

1 - Theory of origin of life

2 - hot dilute soup

3 - Oparin Haldane hypothesis

4 - Miller's experiment

Hot dilute soup

Haldane proposed that simple organic compounds gradually accumulated in the water bodies and forming hot thin soup and pre biotic soup. This set the stage for the chemical reactions which results in the formation of complex organic compounds and finally protobionts (giant molecule containing RNA, Protein and polysaacharide).

3 - Oparin Haldane hypothesis

Oparin and Haldane suggested that if the atmosphere of the Earth was reducing previously and if there is an appropriate supply of energy like lightening or UV rays , then a wide range of organic molecules may be synthesized. These molecules would have further undergone series of reactions to form more complex molecules called coacervates. These coacervates were capable of some metabolic reactions and undergone evolution to give rise to primitive cells.The meteorite analysis favors the extraterrestrial origin of life on earth.

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Molecular Origin of Life: Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey, conducted the Miller-Urey experiment in 1953 to demonstrate how the life would have originated on the earth. They created an environment in laboratory which mimicked the environment of earth as it was during the time of origin of life. Water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen were used in that experiment. The liquid was heated to initiate evaporation and electrodes were used to create electric discharge. At the end of two weeks, some organic molecules were formed in the setup. Some amino acids and sugar were also formed. This proved the hypothesis of J. B. S. Haldane that life originated from inorganic raw materials.

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