explain GLYCOLYSIS and its process in a brief manner?


Glycolysis (Glycos − Sugar, Lysis − Splitting). It is the Breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid by partial oxidation. It occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell. The process of glycolysis is explained below:

  • A chain of 10 reactions converts glucose into pyruvate.
  • Hexokinase: Enzyme that phosphorylates glucose to produce glucose − 6 − phosphate
  • 2 ATPs are utilised in two steps:

    • Glucose → Glucose − 6 − phosphate (1 ATP)
    • Fructose − 6 − phosphate → fructose 1, 6 − bisphosphate (1 ATP)
  • Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate splits into glyceraldehyde − 3 − phosphate and dihydroxy acetone phosphate.
  • Glyceraldehyde − 3 − phosphate converts into two molecules of 1, 3 bisphosphoglycerate (BPGA), with subsequent conversion of NAD+ to NADH + H+.
  • 4 ATPs are yielded in two steps:

    • BPGA → PGA (1 × 2 = 2 ATPs)
    • Phosphoenol pyruvate → Pyruvic acid (1 × 2 =2 ATPs)
  • Net ATPs produced = 4 (produced) − 2 (consumed) = 2 ATPs

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Glycolysis is a complex biological process that occurs to convert glucose into pyruvate in order to provide energy for each living cell. Since the glycolysis cycle involves the conversion of blood sugar into an anion of pyruvic acid (pyruvate), glycolysis is also referred to as the citric acid cycle.
Since this event also involves the release of free energy, it is considered to be a thermodynamic reaction. The first event to occur in glycolysis uses energy provided by hexokinase glycolysis enzymes to convert a sugar (glucose) molecule with six carbon atoms into two compounds containing three carbon atoms, or glucose 6-phosphate. This substance then undergoes molecular rearrangement to “lactate,” or produce an anion of lactic acid. The “pay back” for energy consumption in the early phase of glycolysis is the subsequent production of two nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides (NADs), followed by a phosphate group binding to each 3-carbon molecule, which generates 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate. Meanwhile, the hydrogen in the reaction is used to reduce NAD, yielding NADH. Finally, the glycolysis enzyme pyruvate kinase is used to produce two ATPs for each glucose molecule involved in the glycolytic reaction.
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