explain how demand the demand for a commodity for a good is affected by the prices of its related goods ? give examples

Complimentary Goods: If two goods are?used together?to satisfy a want, they are said to be complimentary goods. For example: tea and sugar, automobiles and petrol, pens and ink.A fall in price of a commodity raises the demand for its complimentary goods. For example, the demand for petrol increases when prices of automobiles fall. It means with fall in price of ink, the demand for pens raises.Demand for a commodity is?inversely related?with price of its complimentary goods.Substitute Goods: Those goods which can be?used in place of one another?are called substitute goods. For example: tea and coffee, scooter and motorcycle, etc.The existence of alternative goods (substitutes) to satisfy a given demand divides the total demand among the many different goods. The larger the number of substitutes, smaller will be the demand for anyone of them. For example, with an increase in the price of coffee, the demand for its substitute (tea) increases.Demand for commodity is?directly related?to the price of its substitute.

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