Explain in detail about the reproduction in gymnosperm with the help of a diagarm?

Dear student 

Sexual reproduction in gymnosperms​ is performed by Cone. The gymnosperms are heterosporous; the microspores give rise to male gametophyte and the megaspore give rise to the female gametophyte.Two types of cones or strobili are borne on the same tree (Pinus) or on the different tree (Cycas).The development of sporangium in the gymnosperm is usually eusporangiate. Most of the members possess non-motile male gametes.The ovules are orthotropous and unitegmic but bitegmic in gnetales.Pollination occurs by wind. Simple fertilization occurs where the endosperm is haploid.Gymnosperms possess fruitless seed  that is they bear naked seeds since the ovules are naked.; the ovular integument forms the seed coat.The gymnosperms have distinct alternation of generation between the sporophytic generation and gametophytic generation. The diploid sporophytic generation is the dominant where the gametophytic phase is dependent on the sporophyte.



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