Explain me the calculation of this sum

Explain me the calculation of this sum + Expansions CONCEPTS TESTS 00:31 REVISION num ers one elOWthe other, andthen mültiplYihg them as we normally do. The other way is to break the numbers and then apply distributive property. This will make our work much easier. Let us see how. 1022= 102 x 102 = (100+2) (100 + 2) = 100 (100+2) +2 (100 + 2) = 100 x 100 + 100 x 2+2 x 100+2 x 2 = IOOOO + 200 + 200 + 4 = 10404 Observing the similar expressions as above, we obtain the following identities. = a2 + 2ab + b2 (a - b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2 TOPICS

Hi, 1022= 102×102Now to make calulation easier 102 can be written as 100+2= 100+2100+2Now here its basic distributive property of  multiplication over addition= 100100+2+2100+2=1002+200+200+4= 10000+400+4= 10404

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It can also be done easily with (a+b)^2=a2+b2+2ab 102^2 (100+2)^2 = 100^2+2^2+2?100?2= 10000+400+4= 10404
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It is expandable form of identity (a+b)^2=a2+b2+2ab
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