Explain the functions of blood cells.

Blood consists of three types of cells. These are as follows.

  • Red Blood Cells or Erythrocytes - They contain a red pigment called haemoglobin, which transports oxygen to all cells of the body by combining with oxygen to form a compound called oxyhaemoglobin. The mature erythrocytes do not have a nucleus.

  • White Blood Cells or Leukocytes - They are larger than RBCs and do not have haemoglobin. They fight against germs that enter the body. Thus, they protect the body from diseases.

  • Blood Platelets or Thrombocytes - You must have noticed that when you get injured, bleeding stops after some time. This happens because of the activity of platelets. Platelets help in the clotting of blood during an injury. The platelets are smaller than the RBCs.

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Blood is a specialized body fluid. It has four main components: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues.
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red blood cells carries oxygen to combine with haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin. ​Red blood cells also remove carbon dioxide from your body, transporting it to the lungs for you to exhale.
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