explain the functions of the endocrine glands.

Endocrine glands secrete various hormones in the body which further regulate or control variousprocesses and functions in our body.

Functions of  some of the Endocrine Glands are:

Pituitary Gland
It is known as the master gland, because it is responsible to control the function of other glands to put forth their hormones. Growth, body metabolism, sexual development and reproduction happen to be the elements which come under the domain of the pituitary gland.

Thyroid Gland
The hormones of this gland play vital roles in regulating metabolism and organ function.

This gland serve to control proper digestion and blood sugar regulation. Insulin and glucagons are known to be the important hormones produced by the glands. One of the major function of the pancreas is maintaining appropriate levels of sugar throughout the body.

Adrenal Glands
It is known to secrete hormones, which are essential for digestion and sexual maturity. Also, it secretes hormones that help the body to manage stress and improve the quality of life.

I told you some of endocrine glands , if its help you

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 Glands that secrete their hormons directly into blood is called endocrine gland. Since they dont secrete their hormones into a duct like exocrine glands.. they are called the ductless gland..

main glands include - pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, adrenal gland..

hypothalamus -- 

  • gland present in brain.
  • function -- to regulate the secretions of hormones from pituitary gland.


  • present below the brain
  • function - secretes growth hormone that controls the developement bones and muscles.

thyroid gland

  • attached to wind pipe in our body
  • function -- secretes thyroxine hormone (which contains iodine) that controls the rate of metabolism of carbohydrates fats and proteins
  • deficiency of iodine in the body can cause goitre

parathyroid gland

  • there are four small parathyroid gland which are embeded in thyroid gland 
  • function -- secretes parathormone hormone to regulate calcium and phosphate levels in body

continuing in next post XDD

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thymus gland

  • lies in lower part ofthe neck and upper part of the chest
  • function-- secretes thymus hormone which plays a role in the development of immune system of the body


  • situated just below the stomach in the body
  • function-- secretes hormone called insulin that lower the blood sugar level and controls the metabolism of sugar

adrenal gland

  • there are two adrenal glands situated on the top of two kidneys 
  • function-- secretes adrenaline hormone that regulates heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure and carbohydrate metabolism 
  • adrenaline hormone is secreted in small amounts all time but in large amounts when a person is frightened . When adrenaline is secreted in large amounts it prepares our body for action 
  • they are called glands of emergency


  • glands present only in males
  • they secretes male hormones called testosterone..
  • function -- testosterone hormone is to control the development of male  hormones and male features such as deeper voice, moustache, beard and more body hair..
  • this happens in puberty (teenage)


  • glands present only in female
  • function- secretes 2 female  hormones called oestrogen and progesterone..
  • estrogen hormone controls the development of female  hormones and female features such as feminine voice, soft skin and mammary glands..
  • these changes are caused at the age of 10-12 yrs..
  • the function of progesterone hormone is to control the uterus changes in menstrual cycles...and also helps in the maintenance of pregnancy



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 gud answer vishnupriya 

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