Explain the general rules which a statistician should follow and the precautions that he should take while choosing the source of his data.

Siddharth, I believe you must be aware of the two sources of data collection sources viz. primary source and secondary source. Now, a statistical investigator just after s/he has made-up and is sure about the research study and the objectivity of the research, then the very next question is to think which source of data collection should s/he resort to? I mean whether it is primary source or the secondary source or a mix of both the sources. Often, it has been found the statisticians incline towards primary sources particularly, when the research study is concerned about tastes and preference of people, which varies from person to person; hence. is subjective in nature. Also, in this regard, since no formal or official data is available, thus, thereby, paves the way towards primary source only. For instance, suppose you want to study which is the popular brand of noodles among a specific age-group of population? What will you do? Can you imagine of any website say NSSO, CSO, RBI, where, you will get this data. Obvio, not!! The only way you are left with is the primary source, where, you need to frame a questionnaire, thereafter, visiting to a mall or any other crowded-out public places and get your questionnaire filled-up.

This is one point that you thought about before making a final move towards primary source of data. Likewise, the moment, you have something related to say population, money demand, interest rate research studies, or say women workforce ratio w.r.t. that of male workforce and blah blah blah....you had to have relied on the secondary data. Especially, to fetch the data of say last year, women population, male population, etc.
In the similar manner, you have to evaluate the pros and cons of both the sources. Thereafter, need to check the feasibility of the chosen source and finally, how best-fit is that to your research study.
You can also add some more points in this answer. I have just given you a food-for-thought. Do let me know, the final answer that you have framed.

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