Explain the meaning of the following terms :

1] Variate 2] Class integral 3] Class size 4] Class mark 4] Frequency 5] Class limits

6] True class limits

1) Class mark
Class mark or the mid-point may be defined as the number in the middle of the class. It is given by the formula
Class mark =Upper class limit+Lower class limit2
2) Frequency :
Frequency of an event in statistics may be defined as the number of times the event occurred in an experiment or study.
For instance consider the following data of marks obtained;
95 40 50 56 60 70 92 88 80 70 72 70 36 40 36 40 92 40 50 50 56 60 70 60 60 88
The frequency of obtaining 70 in the above data is 4.

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