Explain the process of corrosion of silver

Dear Student
Corrosion is the process in which metals get deteriorated by action of air, moisture, chemicals etc.
Corrosion causes damage to metal surface.
Corrosion of silver causes blackening of silver objects in exposure to atmosphere. Silver reacts with hydrogen sulphide present in the air to form a layer of silver sulphide which is black in colour.
2Ag + H2S→Ag2S + H​​​​​​2


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Ho Vru
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High relative humidity, moisture, and air pollutants are common causes of?corrosion?in metals, including?silver. ... In the case of?silver?tarnish, the?silver?combines with sulfur and forms?silver?sulfide ( Ag2S ) which is black. The original?silver?surface can be restored if the layer of?silver?sulfide is removed.

Hope it helps ....
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Thanks prateek and simran
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Hello vri wo que baand ho gay
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Bhabi darpok hai....
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The silver metal reacts with hydrogen sulphide gas present in atmosphere to form silver sulphide, which is black in colour. Hence, the silver objects get blackened with time and are corroded.
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Thanks pavit
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Hi laks
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Hope this helps!!

Corrosion of silver : silver ornament (silver articles) gradually turn black due to the formation of a thin silver sulphide layer on the surface by the action of hydrogen, sulphide gas present in air.

The corrosion rate of silver is shown not to be humidity dependent. Hydrogen sulfide, ozone, chlorine, and hydrogen chloride concentrations substantially influence its corrosion rate. The observed indoor rates obey log normal statistics and correlate well with the reduced sulfur gas concentration. In contrast to copper, where indoor rates are 1% of outdoor values, silver often corrodes faster indoors than outdoors. Its sensitivity to sulfur gases and insensitivity to relative humidity is proposed as a plausible explanation for these findings. It is proposed that metallic silver is stable in polluted acidic atmospheric environments.
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Thanks ishita
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