explain the role of ports and Airways in the Indian economy

Dear Student,

Ports constitute an important economic activity in coastal areas.  Ports are also important for the support of economic activities in the hinterland since they act as a crucial connection between sea and land transport. As a supplier of jobs, ports do not only serve an economic but also a social function.
The transportation sector is a strong factor in terms of economic and regional balanced development, as well as also having a great influence on national integration to the world economic market. India has a rich history of trade across seas. Ports constitute an important economic activity in coastal areas.
Airways is the fast speed means of transport. Passengers and goods can be transported easily from one place to the other. Air transport is free from physical barriers like the river, mountains and valleys etc.


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India has reached history of trade across sea ports constitutes an important areas the higher the throughput of goods and passengers year on year the more infrastructural provisions and associated services are required and advantages of air transport is high speed it is the fast speed means of transport passengers and goods can be transported easily from one place to other
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Ports and airways have played a major role in the economy of our country. Since railways can only be used for domestic trade, waterways and airways are two methods in which international trade can be facilitated. Waterways is cheap, fuel efficient and can transport bulk amount of goods. Airways though expensive, ensure that the goods are traded in the fastest way possible. In other words only because of waterways and airways we r able to carry out trade and increase foreign exchange.
Hope it helps
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