Explain the V-I graph for Solar Cell

Dear Student,

The maximum electrical power one solar cell can deliver at its standard test condition. If we draw the V-I characteristics of a solar cell maximum power will occur at the bend point of the characteristic curve. It is shown in the V-I characteristics of solar cell by Pm.
characteristics curve of solar cell

Current at Maximum Power Point

The current at which maximum power occurs. Current at Maximum Power Point is shown in the v-i characteristics of solar cell by Im.

Voltage at Maximum Power Point

The voltage at which maximum power occurs. Voltage at Maximum Power Pointis shown in the v-i characteristics of solar cell by Vm.

Fill Factor of Solar Cell

The ratio between product of current and voltage at maximum power point to the product of short circuit current and open circuit voltage of the solar cell.

  • 0
When current is 0 then voltage is maximum and we know that maximum voltage is called emf and emf is considered for an open circuit. When voltage is 0, current is max. and current is max. in short circuit.
  • 2
It is seen that the graph us in the 4th Quadrant, because current is not drawn from the cell.
  • -2
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