explain these 2 paragraphs.

Dear Student, This is a simple paragraph that explains about alleles. Alleles are different forms of the same gene. In the experiment performed by Mendel, when Mendel crossed second generation (F2) of pea plant with the recessive character, then he got both Round(Dominant) and Wrinkled (Recessive trait) seeds in F3 generation. He observed that F3 generation had characters of F1 generation (both dominant and recessive parents) but F2 generation did not show characters of recessive parent. So, this means that pea plants had carried alleles of both the parents in their gene. So, this indicates that in every sexually reproducing organism, out of the two chromosomes, each is given by each parent (one by male and one by female). Same is also seen in humans. Out of 46 chromosomes, 23 Chromosomes are given by the male parent and 23 are given by female parent and the dominant character dominates the recessive one. I hope you would have understood. You would read further about the same in higher classes. Regards

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