explain this briefly.
explain this briefly. Which of the following is not a matching pair of antagonistic muscle? Options: Flexor : Extensor Abductor : Adductor Protractor : Supinator Elevator : Depressor

Dear student

Flexor - 
A movement that decreases the angle between two bones at the joint.
Extensor - A movement that increases the angle between two bones at the joint.

Abductor - A movement that results in the part moving away from the midline.
Adductor - A movement that results in the part moving towards the midline.

Protractor - an instrument for measuring angles.
Supinator - a muscle whose contraction produces or assists in the supination of a limb or part of a limb.

Elevator - movement in a superior direction.
Depressor - to pull the corners of the mouth down and back, which produces a frown. (Inferior direction)

Protractor is not a muscle. So the correct option is Protractor : Supinator.


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