Explain why tearing of paper is a physical change whereas burning of paper is a change

Tearingof paper is a physical change because the because the chemical properties are not changing of the paper and burning the paper is a chemical change because a new substances found and chemical properties also change
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It is because when we tear the paper it's property remain same it does not change into anything else and burning of paper is chemical change because it changes into ash then it cannot be brought back to paper
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to understand your doubt first you should know that what is a physical change and what is a chemical change in fact if you know that , in chemical change new substances form and a product is released as waste while in physical change no substance is formed and no product is released as waste.
If you talk about caring of people know new substance is formed and no waste is produced... But if you see, burning of paper it produces a new substance Ash and smoke is the waste produced by burning..

So I hope my answer helped you....
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