Explain why the storage of acrylic needs no special care unlike woolen cloths .

Acrylic is synthetic wool which is resistant to the action of moths and insects while woollen clothes need to be stored in naphthalene as they are attacked by insects. 

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Synthetic fibres are moth resistant,does not get damaged easily,tough etc.Acrylic, also called as artificial wool, is a snythetic fibre .Therefore storage of acrylic doesnt need any special care

Hope this helps u!!!
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acrylic is a synthetic wool which is made of moths whereas woollen clothes are not made of it so they are stored in napthalen so they are not attacked by insects.
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it is like that so because the wollen clothes because the wollen clothes have more attacks from the pests more than that of the acrylic clothes that is the main reason .there are also many other reasons which are not so important.The woolen clothes are costly so that is why the farmers take good care of the yield to give it to the market or sell it .they is also this reason that acrylic is a chemical and insects or rodents  do not like to eat chemicals and farmers do not take good care of acrylic because they are in cheap rate in market.there such simple reasons which make the answer bigger and bigger so to end it here is better and these are the main  reasons for the question given above ..,,,
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