explain"far far from gusty waves"

Gusty waves symbolify freedom and joy. The children the poet describes are far far away from freedom and joy.

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Meaning of Far Far from the gusty waves
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Gusty waves denote a life of privelege and opportunity which these poor slum children was lacking.
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Here in this penned down poem of Stephen Spender, he tries to convey from the statement far from .........gusty waves that those slum children are far away from the comforts, joy, pleasure, and freedom of privileged peoples ,they just dream for these comforts which is just a dream because, it is far beyond their reach.
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'Gusty waves' symbolises freedom and joy.It denotes a life of privilege and opportunities, which the children of slum were bereft off.
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The metaphor, 'gusty waves' has a number of interpretations. Firstly, 'gusty' refers to a strong breeze or wind and the implication is that a powerful breeze has lifted the waves and drove them on.

Spender's repetition of 'far' emphasises how far removed these poor, ailing children are from a normal life. Their bleak and impoverished conditions imprison them and gives them no hope for the future. There is nothing in their lives that can drive these children towards a better future, just as the winds drive forth the waves and animate them. These children are not animated or excited about their lives - there is no ambition, just a profound apathy and acceptance of their pathetic existence. They are completely removed from the desire to attain a better life and are overwhelmed.

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The life of these slum children away from happiness and enjoyment.
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Gusty means 'blowing strongly' and 'gusty waves' refers to the lively and energetic aspect of a child's life which is lacking in the faces of the children . 'Far' emphasises how far these poor ailing children from a normal life
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'Gusty waves' represents energetic children who are like strong waves. The slum children are unlike the usual children. They are undernourished and miserable. They are devoid of all hope of a bright future.
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