explanation of every stanza

the child poet has ruined her teeth by eating too much of sweets and candies. now she feels sorry for having neglected her teeth. the child poet says that she should has looked after her teeth. she should have seen the dangers that lay beneath all the toffees she had chewed and the sweet sticky food she had eaten. she wishes that, she should not have neglected her teeth.

due to her eating too much of sweets the child poet got cavities in her teeth. she had to get these cavities filled by a dentist. now she has more fillings that teeth in her mouth. the child now wishes that she should have paid respect to her teeth and not given them too many candies. she should have spent her pocket money on something else.

the child regretfully thinks of all the different kinds of sweets and candies she had been eating. she used to eat big and small shebatdabs and hard brittle peanuts. but now her consious feela a terrible prick for having eaten all that harmful stuff.

the child says that every night she would flash the toothpaste to her parents. she would do that to show themthat she was going to brush her teeth. and then very late at night, she would just move the brush hurridly up and down her teeth. it didnot seem to her worth while brushing her teeth. she thought that instead of wasting her time at brushing her teeth,she should bite at one candy. the child poet says that she would have thrown awayall her sherbats if she  had known she was only paving the way to cavities and decay. she never knew that she would be subjected to filling, injections and drillings. if she had known this she would have given up.

since she ate too much of sweets, she had eventually to lie in the old dentist's chair. while lying there she would keep looking up misirably at the nose of the dentist. while the dentist's drill went whining into one of the child poet's molars, the dentist would say.' amalgam has to be filled in two of them'.

the child poet's  mother had false teeth. sometimes she would put them in a glass of water on seeing bubbles coming up in the water, the child poet would laugh. but, now she realised the bitter fact. she has realised the bitter fact. she has ralised thatthose false teeth are, infact, calling her. in otherwords, the child poet has realised that very soon she too will have false teeth because, the natural one's would have all decayed and gone. so, the child poet regrets that she should have looked after her teeth........


hope it helps u...

best wishes....!!

tumps up.! is u lyk...

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 thankzzzzz a lotttt  !!!!

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