Fill in the following blanks:-
Densities of more substances-----------when they are converted to solid state,though----------the opposite is true.

Dear Student,
The question that you asked seems little incorrect. In first line there is 'more' written before substances but I think there will be 'many' in place of that. And I think the last blank in the sentence is mistakenly put there. So after all these correction your question will be -
Densities of many substances-----------when they are converted to solid state, though the opposite is true.
Here's the answer for the correct query.
Densities of many substances Increases when they are converted to solid state, though the opposite is true.
We use word 'many' in place of 'more' because the densities of some substance decreases when they convert into another state. Here, we take an example of water, when water solidify into ice its density decreases that is the reason ice floats on water.

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