Find an expression for the magnetic field induction at the centre of the coil bent in the form of a square of side 2a and carrying current I.

Dear student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:
By using the Biot-Savart law,
we can calculate the contribution from each side of the square wire separately. 
We find each side contributes the same magnetic field at the 
canter of the square. 

µ0I /4πR (sin θ2 − sin θ1)

 with s =R= 2a, θ2  = π/4 and θ
 = -π/4 
we get B = 4 × µ0I /4πR (sin θ2 − sin θ1
for the four sides of the square 

 4 × ​µ0I/ 4π(2a) ( sin π/ 4 − sin(− π /4 ) ) 

4 ×μ0I8πasin π/4 - sin -π/4 = 4 ×μ0I8πa12+12  = μ0I2πa

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