Find the diameter of a circular pipe whose length is 50 cm and volume is 1925 cm cube

as the volume and length are given, we can find the radius.

formula for finding volume of a cylinder = pie x radius^2 x height

= 22/7 x r^2 x 50 = 1925

=1100/7 x r^2 = 1925

= r^2 = (1925 x 7 ) / 1100

= r^2 = 12.25

radius = 12.25 ( sq root ) = 3.5

therefore, the radius of the cylinder is 3.5 cm

as we know the diameter is twice the raduis.

so to find the diameter, we will have to double the rasius.

hence diameter = 3.5 x 2 = 7 cm

hope this helps..


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