find the frequency of 1 Mev photon.given wavelength of a 1 Kev photon is 1.24*10^-9m

Energy E = hc/λ = 1 keV      since given E=1kev
hc = λ x 1 keV = 1.24 x 10-9 m x 1 keV = 1.24 x 10-9 m. 103 eV = 1.24 x 10-6 eV.m
we find hc and then substitute it in given down equation
If E = hc/λ = 1 MeV
  1/λ = E/hc = 1 x 106 eV/(1.24 x 10-6 eV.m)
                  = 0.81 x 1012/m
Frequency ν = c/λ = 3 x 108  x 0.81 x 1012
                                = 2.43x 1020/s
                                 = 2.43 x 1020 Hz. 
  • 11
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