Find value of pandq

Find value of pandq Of a number is 189.—What of the number? 315 c. 540 •nd Q represents thé' prime digits. then find the value of P •nd Q 7.3 3 Of the following figures satisfy the given conditions? Faces : 4 Edges : 6 Vertices : 4 Faces : S Edges : 9 Vertices : 6

Dear Student,

PP5×QQ2Q25+2Q250  2  5  5  7 5since Q+2=5 Q=5-2Q=3PP5×332325+23250  2  5  5  7 5From multiplication above3×5=15, so we get 5 from here and 1 carrynow 3×P+1=2 Or 12 or 22now 3p+1=23p=1hence p=13 which is not possible as P is an integersimilarly for 3p+1=12, we get p=113but 3p+1=22we get p=213=7Hence p=7so answer is p=7, and q=3


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