Find words or phrases from the passage that mean the same as the following.

(a) to renovate, redo, or revise (paragraph 1)

(b) trying to win the favour, preference, or goodwill of (paragraph 1)

(c) come in small numbers (paragraph 4)

(d) well-off; rich (paragraph 5)

(e) friendly (paragraph 6)

(f) wanting or enjoying expensive pleasures (paragraph 6)

(a) to renovate, redo, or revise (paragraph 1): revamp

(b) trying to win the favour, preference, or goodwill of (paragraph 1): re-woo

(c) come in small numbers (paragraph 4): trickling

(d) well-off; rich (paragraph 5): well-heeled

(e) friendly (paragraph 6): affable

(f) wanting or enjoying expensive pleasures (paragraph 6): exotic

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