five years ago raju was twice as old as peter.five yers later,his age will be 5 more than peters age.find their present age.

let peter be x yrs.yhen raju will be 2x.after 5 yrs,age of raju=2x+5and age of it is given that raju will be 5 times peter. so, 2x+5=5(x+5). by solving we will get the present age..

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Let Raju's age be x and Peter's age be y.

Five yrs ago Raju's age = x-5, Peter's age = y-5

5 yrs ago Raju was twice as old as Peter

Therefore, x - 5 = 2 (y-5)

x - 5 = 2y - 10

x  = 2y -10 + 5

x = 2y -5

Now we'll see the other equation-

5 yrs later Raju's age = x + 5, Peter's age = y + 5

5 yrs later Raju's age will be five more than Peter's age.

therefore x + 5 = 5 + y + 5

x + 5 = y + 10

2y - 5 + 5 = y + 10 .....(x= 2y-5)

2y - y  = 10

y = 10

x = 2y - 5

x = (2x10) -5

x = 15

Therefore, the present age of Raju = 15 yrs

 the present age of Peter = 10 yrs

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