From what sources do people get news?

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We get news from news paper,television,radio,etc.
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We get news from news paper, television (news channel), radio etc.
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By radio,TV,newspaper and magzines
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The television news audience is still large, but it is also old???and aging???and younger people increasingly find their news from websites and apps, and via search engines and social media. By now, the BBC is the only news media organisation in the UK that reaches more people with online news than Facebook. In 2016, 51% of our respondents said they used the BBC online as a source of news, whereas 28% said they used Facebook for news???more than even the Mail Online (17%) or the Guardian (14%).

47% still say they go directly to the websites of broadcasters or newspapers for their news, but online, people increasingly find news via the various search (20%) and social media (25%) services offered by US-based platform companies like Google and Facebook. These have become integral to how people find and access news all over the world, including in the UK.

Pic is given below.


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Television , telephone , and newspapers
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Sharda bought one quintal of onions for ?2000. Laverne sold them all rate of ?18 per kg. Did he make a profit or incur a loss? How much
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