Funaria is amphibious in nature . comment

Dear student,

Funaria is a moss belonging to the division Bryophyta and is an example of non vascular plant.
Mosses are called the amphibians of plant kingdom.
This is because mosses require external water for reproduction, while they are terrestrial plants.
The flagellated sperms need moisture for movement, but like amphibious animals mosses have the capability to live out of water for parts of its life.


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Moss plant Funaria grows in dense patches or cushions in moist shady and cool places during the rainy seasons. It has a height of 3–5 cm, a radial symmetry with a differentiation of an axis or stem, leaves or phylloids are multicellular colorless branched rhizoids with oblique septa. These are primitive multicellular, autotrophic, shade loving, amphibious plants. They reproduce by spore formation. They have no vascular system. Root like structures called rhizoids are present. They show alternation of generation i.e. the gametophytic stage alternates with the sporophytic stage. Regards.😊
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