Geography geography geography geography geography geography geography geography geography geography

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The canals that you can see in their waterways are- 
  1.  Nahrawān, 400 feet wide and 200 miles long, the moste spectacular canal built to provide a year-round navigation channel from near Sāmarrāʾ to Al-Kūt, using water provided by damming the unevenly flowing Tigris. 
  2. Ling Canal in Kuangsi, 90 miles long from the Han capital; Changan (Sian) to the Huang He (Yellow River); and the Pien Canal in Honan, China
  3. the most spectacular was the Grand Canal, the first 600-mile section of which was opened to navigation in 610. This waterway enabled grain to be transported from the lower Yangtze and the Huai to Kaifeng and Luoyang. 
  1. Canals and inland waterways, natural or artificial waterways used for navigation, crop irrigation, water supply, or drainage.
  2. Many inland waterways are multipurpose, providing drainage, irrigation, water supply, and generation of hydroelectric power as well as navigation

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