Ggive reason:

1. Drops of water are seen on the outer surface of the vessel containing chilled water.

2. Animals depend on plants for repiration.

3. Planting more trees reduces pollution of air.

Wrirte short notes:

1. Name the process by which plants add oxygen to the air.

A-1) When water vapour come in contact with a cold surface, their temperature decreases and thus they condense on the cold surface, to form liquid droplet. We know that decrease in temperature brings the particles of vapours close and converts it back into liquid. This process is known as condensation.

A-2) During respiration, animals take up oxygen and release carbon dioxide (along with energy). Thus oxygen is a necessary requirement for animals. The plants take up carbon dioxide and convert it into carbohydrates by the process of photosynthesis, releasing oxygen. Thus animals depend upon plants for respiration. 

A-3) Planting trees has many environmental benefits. Carbon dioxide is one of the major gases which contributes to the phenomenon of global warming, which has resulted in rise in temperatures of the earth, rise in sea level and many other unwanted consequences. The trees take up these gases and thereby help in reducing air pollution. Besides this, planting of trees also helps in maintaining the temperature of a region, level of ground water etc. 

A- 4) Photosynthesis is the process by which plants add oxygen to the atmosphere. For photosynthesis, please refer to the following link$2ERvlIw!!/oa5vQmNkpffneASCmGBwEQ!!

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