Give a character sketch on Ramlal? ( please answer as soon as possible as I have a test tommorow,thank you)

Ramlal is known as Numberdar Ramlal in the village. He is portrayed as the typical villager who stands by his conventional beliefs. Modern thought has not yet entered his sphere of ideas. As per convention in Indian villages, there is an apparent bias in care of sons and daughters. While his sons are sent to the city for education, there is no meaning in sending his daughters to school. The only concern for daughters is to get them married somehow. Even when he agrees to send Bholi to school, it is the fear of Tehsildar that made him do so. Being far away from realising the importance and power of education, he feels that no one would ever be ready to get married to Bholi. To offer a secure future to her, he decides to get her married to a rather elderly man. However, he is quite unaware of the gift he gave to Bholi unknowingly. In sending her school, Ramlal  paved a way to self-empowerment of Bholi.

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