give deatils of spinosauras
It is a dinosaur

Dear student
Spino saurus
 was among the largest of all known carnivorous dinosaurs, possibly larger than Tyranno saurus and Giganoto saurus. Its name means spined lizard.​Spino saurus is known to have eaten fish, and most scientists believe that it hunted both terrestrial and aquatic prey; evidence suggests that it lived both on land and in water as a modern crocodilian does... The distinctive spines of Spino saurus, which were long extensions of the vertebrae, grew to at least 1.65 meters (5.4 ft) long and were likely to have had skin connecting them, forming a sail-like structure, although some authors have suggested that the spines were covered in fat and formed a hump. Multiple functions have been put forward for this structure, including thermo regulation and display.
Hope it helps 


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          The Spinosaurus lived around 100 million years ago in what is now North Africa.

  • The name Spinosaurus means ‘spine lizard’.

  • Fossils of the Spinosaurus were first found in Egypt around 1910.

  • The Spinosaurus was larger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex and may have been the largest carnivorous (meat eating) dinosaur ever.

  • Studies estimate that it was around 15 metres (49 feet) in length and weighed anywhere between 7 to 20 tons.

  • The Spinosaurus featured distinctive spines which grew over 1.5 metres (5 feet) long.

  • The Spinosaurus had a long, thin skull.

  • While the Spinosaurus usually walked on two legs, studies suggest that it may have occasionally crouched on all four.

  • Spinosaurus featured in the popular movie Jurassic Park 3.

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