Give one word for the following in cockroach:(a)hardened plate of exoskeleton (b) Ventral sclerites(c) blood(d) forewing of cockroach (e) upper lip of cockroach (f) lower lip of cockroach (g) external genitalia(h) articulating membrane between tergites and sternites(i) dorsal sclerites(j) filamentous structure on the 10th segment of male cockroach (k) chain of developing ova(l) small holes on the body for gaseous exchange(m) body cavity(n) opening of the ejaculatory duct(o) bundle of sperm

Dear student,
Refer below for the above asked query:-
b) The ventral sclerites in the cockroach are called as Sternites.
c) Blood in cockroach is called as Haemolymph.
e)Upper lip in cockroach is called as Labrum.

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